Hannah Kasbohm - Winner, k-6 Category

Emma Jarrett - Winner, 7-12th Grade Category

Mary Billerbeck - Winner, Adult Category

1st Place, K-6
Tree Sky
Hannah Kasbohm
Taken at Trout Pond Prairie

1st Place, 7th-12th Grade
Pathway to the Prairie
Emma Jarrett
Taken at Trout Pond Prairie

1st Place, Adult
Frog on a Log
Mary Billerbeck
(We know it’s a toad. It just doesn’t rhyme.)

2nd Place, K-6
Alex Jarrett

2ND PLACE, Adult
Allison Schmidt
A Fungus Among Us
Taken at Trout Pond Prairie


Photos Worth Mentioning

Flower and Sky
Hannah Kasbohm
View from a 6 year old’s perspective

Short Road Trail Head Path
Mary Ranieri
Showing just how straight and never-ending the path seems

Indian Pipe Mushrooms with a friend.  Can you see the daddy long legs?
Marlene Lamberton
Taken at Tabor Woods

Melissa Kasbohm’s “Flowers and Sky” shows the Trout Pond Prairie’s endless flowers

Melissa Kashbohm’s “Monarch on a Flower” points out the importance of the fields of flowers for the insects.

Jennifer Jarrett's “caterpillar” shows how nature uses camouflage.  Antennas at both ends of their body hides which end of the caterpillar is the head.