Invasive Weeds: Dame's Rocket and Garlic Mustard

As you drive along and see the beautiful mounds of pink, purple, and white along side the road, you may think how lovely.  Dame’s rocket is pretty, but will also take over native areas. Remove the flower heads before it turns to seed and /or pull the entire plant and dispose of it. The plants/flower heads can be bagged and put in your regular trash as it is labeled an invasive. Also, whenever you buy wildflower seed mix, check the label to make sure the package does not contain dame’s rocket seed.  Do not confuse it with wildflower phlox which has 5 petals while dame’s rocket has 4 petals.  Now is the time to start pulling before the flowers set their seed.  For more information, click this link.

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Another invasive to watch out for is Garlic Mustard

Read here to find out what to do about it.